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CONF: Workshop DARIAH-CH University of Neuchâtel, 29-30th November 2018

The workshop DARIAH-CH is an important event in the process of adhesion of Switzerland to the European consortium in Digital Humanities DARIAH, organised in the framework of the H2020 project DESIR. During this workshop, different sessions will offer a platform for Swiss and European protagonists to discuss the main topics related to the development of Digital Humanities.
Thursday 29th November - 2:00 - 6:00 pm
Introduction - Greeting
02:00 - 3:45 pm - Session 1
Thinking the Development of Digital Humanities in Switzerland
Chairman: Matthieu Honegger
- Mauro Moruzzi, Ambassador, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation
- Shared Infrastructures for Open Science
Kilian Stoffel, Rector of the University of Neuchâtel, president of the Programme P5
- Swiss research infrastructures in the Humanities - development, challenges, and the contribution of the SAHSS
Beat Immenhauser, Deputy Secretary-General of the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Going digital - the role of an infrastructure
Laurent Romary, Inria & DARIAH
03.45 - 4.15 pm - Coffee break
04.15 - 06:00 pm - Session 2
Research Practice in Digital Humanities
Chairman: Gerhard Lauer
- Recreating Philology. Text in the Digital Humanities
Anne Baillot, University Le Mans
- Time Machine Flagship and DARIAH
Frédéric Kaplan, Digital Humanities Laboratory, EPFL
- Slam Session - List of Posters of the current projects in the Swiss Academic Institutions
07:30 pm - Official Dinner
Friday 30th November - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
09:00 - 10:45 am - Session 3
Support to the development of Digital Humanities in the Academic Institutions
Chairman: Pierre-Alain Mariaux, Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Human sciences, UniNE
- Program "Scientific Information": participative services for the digital humanities
Patrick Furrer, Director of the Programme P5
- Modular framework for digital humanity projects
Hugues Cazeaux, Information System Division, UNIGE
- National Infrastructure for Editions
Roberta Padlina, UNIBAS
10:45 - 11:15 am - Coffee break
11:15 - 02:10 - Session 4
Strategies of Data Management and Archiving
Chairwoman: Laure Ognois
- SNSF Data Management Plans
Lionel Perini, Swiss National Science Foundation
- Data lifecycle and knowledge evolution from a Bioinformatics perspective
Marco Pagni; Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
12:00 - 01:30 am - Lunch time
- Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH)
Lukas Rosenthaler, University of Basel
- Preservation and dissemination of research data at Huma-Num, the French infrastructure for SSH
Nicolas Larrousse, Huma-Num, Paris
02:10 - 03:30 pm - Session 5
Digital Humanities, Society and Economy
Chairwoman: Claire Clivaz
- CLARIN – Infrastructural support for the study of language as social and cultural data
Franciska de Jong, University Utrecht
- Identity in Speech and Text Analysis
Volker Dellwo and Gerold Schneider, University of Zurich
Discussion and conclusion
Laurent Romary, Inria & DARIAH