/ News, Doktorat

INFO: Second edition Winter School EnExDi

We are pleased to announce the second edition of the winter school EnExDi. After the success of 2019, EnExDi comes back to Poitiers in 2020, on February 10 to 14, with a new extended program. EnExDi is supported by e-C@NA, COMUE Léonard de Vinci et the PhD school "Humanités", in partnership with Humanistica and AIUCD.


In EnExDi, the participants' research project are central: theoretical and practical courses alternate with ateliers where instructors and participants work together on the projects.

Registrations are open until December 27. The languages of the school are French and English.

See you soon in Poitiers !

Fatiha Idmhand, Henrik Eijsberg, ABC-DH Team (Greta Franzini, Simon Gabay, Simone Rebora, Elena Spadini, Giovanni Pietro Vitali)