The DH Lab at the University of Basel: Your Digital Collaboration Hub

Bridging the worlds of humanities, social sciences, and informatics, the DH Lab stands as your nexus for interdisciplinary collaboration in the digital realm. We connect the arts and social sciences with the world of computing.

Eager to collaborate? We're just as excited.

Below, find your dedicated contact for your department, faculty, institution, or company.


Humanities and Social Sciences (Phil I)

Theology (Christian Weber)

Law (Christian Weber)

Medicine (Prof. Dr. Lukas Rosenthaler)

Science (Phil II) (Prof. Dr. Lukas Rosenthaler)

Business and Economics (Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro)

Psychology (Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro)

Interdisciplinary & associated institutions (Christian Weber)

The contact persons for cooperation with Swiss universities are

Research:  Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro.

Teaching: Christian Weber

The contact persons for cooperation with Universities outside Switzerland are

Research:  Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro.

Teaching: Christian Weber

The contact person for cooperation with Institutions is Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro.


The contact person for cooperation with the corporate sector is Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro.