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CFP: 14th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (June 8-11, 2020, Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
ICWSM-2020 invites proposals for Workshop at the 14th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). Workshop participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with a selected focus -- providing an informal setting for active exchange among researchers and developers from a wide range of disciplines, including the social science and computer science. Workshops are an excellent forum for exploring emerging approaches and task areas, bridging gaps between the social sciences and computing, and elucidating results of exploratory research.
Members of all segments of the social media research community are encouraged to submit proposals. To foster interaction and exchange of ideas, the workshops will be kept small, with up to 40 participants.
The format of workshops will be determined by their organizers. We encourage workshops that promote different types of activities, including challenges, games, and brainstorming and networking sessions. We discourage workshops that are structured as “mini-conferences” dominated by long talks and short discussions. Workshops should leave ample time for discussions and interaction between the participants and should also encourage the submission and presentation of position papers that discuss new research ideas.
The workshop should have the potential to attract the interest of researchers in computer science and social science. Proposals involving people of different backgrounds in the organizing committee and addressing topics at the intersection of different disciplines will have a higher chance of acceptance.