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CFP: Archiving 2019 - Society for Imaging Science and Technology

Join an international community of technical experts, managers, practitioners, and academics from cultural heritage institutions, universities, and commercial enterprises, to explore and discuss the digitization, preservation and access of 2D, 3D, and AV materials.
Program Topics
Authors are invited to submit abstracts describing original work in technical areas related to 2D, 3D, and AV materials:
Authors have the option to submit either a traditional conference paper, published in the proceedings, or a paper that first appears in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (JIST) and then as a reprint in the Archiving 2019 Proceedings. Accepted journal-first papers are automatically given an oral talk at the conference; journal-first submissions that are not accepted or require major revisions are transferred to the conference committee for consideration. See details below for each option. Submissions that are accepted require the author to pay reduced publications charges and for registration to the conference to present their paper in person.
How to Submit a Conference Paper
Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (1-2 pages) describing original work for presentation at the 2019 conference in any technical areas related to the program topics. Only abstracts submitted according to the IS&T guidelines and template will be considered.
Authors may propose a 20-minute oral presentation including Q&A or an interactive poster presentation that provides for a more interactive discussion format, enabling presenters to engage with conference delegates in the mode best suited to their content/desire. Oral and interactive poster presentations are considered of equal importance and merit. Prospective authors should:
- use the Archiving Review Abstract Template
- clearly identify the technical content of the paper, including information explaining how the material is new or distinct from previously presented/published work on the same topic;
- include name of author and all co-authors, and supply a maximum 50-word bio for each; and
- provide complete contact info (address, phone, e-mail) for the primary author, and indicate the format preference (oral or poster).
Conference paper submission deadline: Extended on a Rolling Basis
Notification of acceptance/rejection: mid-December 2018
Final manuscripts due: 15 March 2019
Upon notice of acceptance, authors are sent detailed instructions for submitting the full text of the paper for publication in the conference proceedings, including forms for “transfer of copyright.” Please note that each author is responsible for obtaining appropriate clearance as necessary.