/ News, Doctorate/PhD
CFP: Research Fellowships 2020 at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities
In the framework of the funding programme „Forschungsinitiative” of the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) at the University of Trier, Germany, is offering
several fellowships for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers.
Each fellowship has a duration of 3-12 months, depending on the requirements of the proposed fellowship project, to be conducted in the course of the year 2020. The fellowships are connected to the project "Mining and Modeling Text: Interdisciplinary Applications, Technology Development, Legal Perspectives" (MiMoText).
Since its foundation in 1998, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) has developed into a national and international reputation. Its goals are to develop and apply innovative computational methods and procedures in order to address questions in the humanities and cultural studies, to develop new research approaches in these disciplines, and at the same time to contribute to the development of new research fields and methodologies in subjects areas related to digital methods in the Humanities. The TCDH focuses on research in the fields of e-lexicography, digital scholarly editions, research software and quantitative analysis.
The aim of the project "MiMoText" is to further develop the field of quantitative methods for the extraction, modelling and analysis of information relevant to the humanities from extensive collections of texts and to research it from an interdisciplinary perspective (Humanities, Computer Science and Law). The core concern is to address the conceptual, analytical, legal and infrastructural challenges for the development of an interlinked knowledge network fed from various sources. The primary domain of application is Literary History. In particular, methods of Information Extraction and Linked Open Data / Semantic Web are used.
Scholarships will be awarded to researchers with projects that fit into the fields of work of the TCDH outlined above and have a clearly identifiable relation to the MiMoText project. Interdisciplinary projects proposals are welcome.
The amount of the fellowship is 1350 Euros per month for doctoral students and 2000 Euros per month for postdoctoral researchers. A child allowance of 400 Euros can be granted. The scholarship is connected to an obligation to take up residence in Trier. By accepting the scholarship, the scholarship holder agrees to participate in the activities of the TCDH and to prepare a final report.
Interested parties are requested to apply with the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae with a detailed description of the scientific career
- Copies of diplomas from high school and university
- Outline for a research project to be carried out at the TCDH (approx. 3-4 pages)
- PostDocs are asked to submit one relevant publication
Applications must be submitted in digital form (in a single PDF file) by February 29, 2020 to the Scientific Directors of the TCDH, Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin and Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch.
Further information can also be obtained from the research coordinator of the TCDH, Dr. Thomas Burch.