/ News, Doctorate/PhD

INFO: EADH Elections

Thank you for your continued support of EADH and its Associate Organisations. This is to remind you that elections for new members of the EADH Executive Committee will be held prior to Ottawa (22-24 July 2020) .

Those wishing to take part in the elections as voters or candidates must be Members in Good Standing (i.e. have paid their membership fees) by March 25th, whether as a direct or joint member of EADH, or through one of its Associate Organizations:

  • AIUCD (Associazione Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale)

  • CzADH (Česká asociace pro digitální humanitní vědy)

  • DHd (Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum)

  • DHN (Digital humaniora i Norden)

  • DHRussia (Российская ассоциация цифровых гуманитарных наук)

For information on renewing membership fees, please see the link below or consult the website of your Association. Each member must assure that the email address used is not already in use for another registration in the realm of EADH (AOs and DSH subscription).

We will circulate more information about the election process later in the year. In the meantime, if you are interested in standing as an Executive Committee member please don't hesitate to contact us at via e-mail.