Béatrice Gauvain MA
Assistant / PhD candidateAssistant / PhD candidate
Spalenberg 65
Béatrice Gauvain completed her Masters in Art History and Image Theory at the University of Basel, specializing in the mediality of sacred objects. In 2014, she co-founded an independent game studio, and soon developed a passion for digital storytelling and curation. She collaborated on the exhibition project “Das Basler Münster im Wandel” at the Museum Kleines Klingental and further pursued her interest in curating by joining the Kunstmuseum Winterthur in 2019. As a research associate for exhibition projects, she became aware of the challenges of transitioning collections into the digital space. Combining her interests, she joined the Digital Humanities Lab in 2020 as PhD Candidate and lecturer, focussing her research on knowledge management and mediation of cultural heritage collections.
Béatrice is a member of the Europeana Network Association. She is also on the Executive Board of the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (GS-HSS), and serves as a representative at the Basellandschaftliche Pensionskasse's assembly of delegates (BLPK).
Research areas
- Cultural Heritage
- Digital Art History
- Knowledge Management, Curation and Mediation
- Democratization of Cultural Heritage Data
Title | Conference | Date | Place |
Storytelling in Digital Space - New Approaches for Digital Curation | PhD Day DHCH, Universität Bern | 9.4.2024 | Bern, CH |
From fragmented histories to virtual realms: managing uncertainties in immersive cultural heritage experiences | EuropeanaTech 23 | 17.10. - 19.10.2023 | Den Hague, NL |
Cultural Heritage in the Digital Space | DHCH23 | 5.6. - 7.6.23 | Rom, IT |
Digital Strategies for Cultural Heritage Institutions. Generating Visibility and Engagement | The Art Museum in the Digital Age – 2023 | 16.1. - 20.1.2023 | Belvedere Museum, Wien & online |
Genese eines digitalen Schaudepots – nachhaltige Daten und digitale Kuration | 5. Schweizerischer Kongress für Kunstgeschichte, Sektion II Narrative digitaler Objekte: Kunstgeschichte und Digital Humanities | 22. - 24. 6. 2022 | Zürich, Schweiz |
An art historian reflection on digital curation | CIDOC 2021, Symbiosis of Tradition and Digital Technology | 23.5.2022 | Tallinn, Estland |
Digitales SchauDepot - Digital curation of cultural heritage | Human Factors in Digital Humanities, EPFL | 2. - 3.12.2021 | Lausanne, Schweiz |
Storytelling in digital space; New approaches for digital curation | DHCH 2021 | 7. - 9.6.2021 | Rom, Italien |
Digital Curation | DHCH 2020 | 4.12.2020 | online |